028: Women, Assertiveness and Sexuality
Thank you for listening to Mormon Sex Info. This episode is an archived episode and is only now becoming publicly available. Mormon Sex Info relies on contributions. To contribute, please visit: mormonsex.info Please enjoy the episode. Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Dr. Julie Hanks De Azevedo, author of the The Assertiveness Guide for Women and The Burnout Cure, about how the ability to develop good assertiveness skills can help with sexual satisfaction. They discuss cultural gender messages, both within Mormonism and without, that get in the way of such things as differentiation, communication skills, self-care and self-awareness. They cover the 5 skills Julie delves into in her book that can help shift these patterns around. They dialogue about managing libido differences, increasing female arousal and pleasure, sexual education for our teens, how to get past “chastity” language and more. Dr. Julie de Azevedo Hanks, PhD, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, founder and director of Wasatch Family Therapy, author, blogger, local and national media contributor, online influencer, consultant, and award-winning performing songwriter. A native Californian, Hanks currently lives in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband and their 4 children. She enjoys spending time with family, taking naps, reading, writing, eating a lot of chocolate, and playing roller derby. Mentioned during the podcast: A Parent’s Guide David Schnarch, author of A Passionate Marriage