019: Story of Betrayal, Porn Reframe, and Flourishing Marriage

Thank you for listening to Mormon Sex Info. This episode is an archived episode and is only now becoming publicly available. Mormon Sex Info relies on contributions. To contribute, please visit: mormonsex.info Please enjoy the episode. Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Ben and Jen Johnson about their experience dealing with a porn disclosure in their marriage.  They discuss the messages they heard growing up Mormon that framed their sexual understanding, their histories in regards to being introduced to pornography, the betrayal and hurt they had to face when Ben would disclose his pornography viewing behavior to his wife, meanings that were attributed to the behavior (including that their marriage might be over), and how they figured out how to reframe the entire problem into a less threatening one. In fact, their relationship actually improved.  They address how they were able to shift meanings and begin a dialogue that actually enhanced self-worth for both, explored their sexual relationship, increased intimacy, and has set them on a different trajectory as far as how they want to educate their children. Ben and Jen courageously share a very personal story in the hopes that other couples like them can find productive and healing ways to resolve disclosures around pornography viewing. Resources mentioned during podcast: Podcast the Johnson’s mentioned can be found either at Mormon Stories:    Pornography, Masturbation, Sex and Marriage in Mormonism or Mormon Mental Health Podcast:   Pornography, Masturbation, Sex and Marriage in Mormonism  

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