30-Overcoming Distance In Intimacy with Brad and Kate (One Flesh Marriage)
Hi there! Belah here. Today is Part II of my interview with Brad and Kate from onefleshmarriage.com. In this episode, this godly couple talks about how they were able to overcome struggles in marriage, through opening up to each other. They share a most inspiring story of how they arrived at a better place in their marriage with three central things that you too could use in your own marriages. Join us as we tackle the intimacy hardships faced by married couples, new and old, and as we unwrap helpful tips to take yourselves out of the darkness and bring your marriage into the light. All the links, resources, and show notes available at: http://delightyourmarriage.com/30 Check out Part I at delightyourmarriage.com/29 Sign up for my free, live online training: “How To Love Him MOST” delightyourmarriage.com/webinar