EP11: Relationship Check-in with Taylor and Derek
Relationships are hard work...but how hard are they supposed to be? Taylor and Derek, Bachelor in Paradise golden couple, make a deposit into their emotional bank account by doing a little bit of relationship maintenance. They are, after all, a normal couple with struggles just like everyone else! Through identifying the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, developed by the Gottman's, the couple shares ways they've struggled in their relationship and how to reach the magic 5:1 ratio in a relationship. The two get personal and share how they've worked through several arguments, and what each does for the other to deposit a positive interaction into their emotional bank account when there is a withdrawal. Let's be real, relationships are worth the work when love is the reward! Today's show is brought to you by LifeSum, for a 30% discount on a premium subscription go to LifeSum.com/letstalk RESOURCES The Four Horsemen The Magic Ratio Stephen Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People