Episode #38- 155lb weight loss success story with Ruth LaRose

I've got another special one for you this week! I had the pleasure of doing an interview session with Ruth LaRose from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. We talked in detail about how she has been able to lose over 155lbs over the last five years. Here are some of the topics we covered: Ruth's nutrition and fitness regimen basics How she started with five minute workouts and built up to doing full on bootcamp workouts. The importance of finding a supportive "fitness tribe" Her largest transformation danger zone What advice she would give someone that is just starting with their own weight loss journey. and MUCH more.... You are going to LOVE this interview. Ruth has done something pretty amazing with her transformation and you are going to enjoy how REAL she is. I 100% guarantee that you will relate to her story and have several "Aha!" moments along the way. To dive deeper on this topic check out my blog post and bonus video: https://www.transformationcoach.me/blog/episode-38-155lb-weight-loss-success-story-with-ruth-larose Have you checked out my FREE Defeat The Cheat Facebook Support Community yet? If not.....you owe it to yourself to take a peek but only if you are interested in being surrounded by awesomely supportive people who share daily tips, recipes, and motivation! www.DefeatTheCheat.com

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