Episode #26- What your transformation lifecycle REALLY looks like
We are bringing you a little different flavor this week with our weekly podcast and blog! Our core topic is about your transformation lifecycle and what you think it is supposed to look like vs. what it really looks like. I've got a three step process for you to use to get the most out of this topic. Trust me...you are going to LOVE THIS! Step 1: I want you to listen to this client strategy session podcast episode with Bev Martinez. This is the first podcast episode that I've done like this and I think many of you will be able to relate to Bev's situation. She is a super busy working mom that is stressed out about finding time to get healthy and make steady progress. We talk about how to apply the concept of the transformation lifecycle to her specific situation and we use two of my favorite tools that I'm going to give you FREE access to also: Download your FREE Danger Zone Game Plan: https://www.transformationcoach.me/p/dzplan Download your FREE Battle Plan Workbook: https://www.transformationcoach.me/p/bpw Step 2: Read the full blog post about this topic using this link: https://www.transformationcoach.me/blog/episode-26-what-your-transformation-lifecycle-really-looks-like Step 3: Watch the quick video at the end of the blog post to help solidify the concept of your transformation lifecycle. In the podcast I mention TWO of my favorite tools which you can download right here for FREE: