Cameron Porter: Cammie's Garage
Welcome back to a brand new episode of the Woodpreneur Podcast, today we are pleased to welcome Cameron Porter of Cammie’s Garage! Cammie’s garage started back in 2017 when Cameron and his wife bought their home. Previous to that Cameron had graduated from the University of South Carolina with an art degree, and had a 20 year career in the animation business before he started doing woodwork. Cameron considers himself an artist primarily and it just so happens that wood is his preferred medium at the moment. Camerons wife saw that he really enjoyed woodworking and he himself had realized there was a passion for it when he was doing his art degree. So when they bought their house, one of the reasons behind their choice was that there was a two and a half car garage Cameron could turn into a workshop. Preferred Equipment and Pieces Cameron makes mostly unique art pieces with the lathe as his primary tool. He also will occasionally do commissions. People ask him to do certain things and he considers himself very lucky to be able to create unique art pieces to be enjoyed by art lovers. When Cameron first started, he was using reclaimed material. Really just stuff that he would find in the neighborhood. His neighbors would be doing renovation projects to their homes and Cameron would literally get wood out of the dumpsters. If someone was having a tree cut down in his neighborhood, they'd leave logs by the street and Cameron would pick up a log here and there and use the greenwood. Now he purchases lumber from a local sawmill. Cameron notes that he’s also gotten many scraps from friends, and local woodworkers. Cameron is really concerned about the environment, and his wife is a climate scientist, so those are the types of things that are on his mind when he uses reclaimed material. Cameron hates to generate waste, and likes to keep things out of the landfill if possible. To see more from Cammie’s garage check out the links below! Instagram: @CammiesGarage YouTube: Cammie’s Garage Thank you Uneedainc for sponsoring this episode of The Woodpreneur Podcast.