Steve Larosiliere: Thanksgiving Special
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! On this episode of the podcast, we’re taking some time to reflect on the last five years in the wood business and discuss this incredible journey. The goal of this podcast has always been to give a voice to the woodpreneur community and the growth we have seen is incredible, thank you to each and every one of you. We’re so thankful for the amazing guests we have had over the years and everything their stories have shared with us and taught us. Also seeing people who have used this podcast to network and grow their own businesses has been so inspirational. We wanted to take some time to connect with you all and to hear your feedback. If you’ve gotten something out of this podcast, if you’ve been inspired by a story, been helped by some of the advice, or used it to network or grow please let us know and drop your Instagram @ in the comments below. We’ll be reading them on the next podcast, doing a giveaway, and encouraging even more networking! As many of you know I’ve moved to Michigan and am working a few days a week with my Father in Law helping with his sawmill business. We’ve done a lot of marketing, and search engine optimization and it’s been blowing up! He’s literally at the point he has too much business coming in. Lately, I’ve also been helping to streamline and automate his business to be more efficient. When thinking about your business, it’s important to make sure you are providing something of value, something that the industry or people around you are in need of. That is why we are so excited to tell you guys about what we have coming up. In 2021 we have a woodpreneur brand we will be launching in full, as well as a Customer Relationship Management app designed specifically for the wood industry. We are currently in the testing phase so please let us know if you want more information, we’ll be officially launching it in 2021. This is a fully rounded CRM app, it streamlines a lot of different communication platforms so that all of your Facebook messages, Instagram DM’s, etc will be in one place. It also will help you collect more data about your business and will analyze your marketing efforts. You’ll get information on where leads are coming from, what leads you need to follow up with, what each lead is worth, and it even has a website and landing page builder. This CRM has already dramatically changed business for some of our clients and we’re so excited to see how it improves the lives of other woodpreneurs and their businesses. If there is one thing we have learned over the years it’s that woodpreneurs like to figure things out on their own, but sometimes if you want to grow a little faster, or you don’t know what you don’t know, or you want some help it’s a really good call to reach out. So something we want to say right now is if you are struggling, want to know how to grow, how to add more marketing, how to position yourself as an influencer, grow your brand, grow your sales, any of that at all, reach out. “I can help you, I’d love to help you. Send me an email” It has been a crazy year for a lot of people but the goal from us is the same as it has always been: to help woodpreneurs get paid to do what they love. Steve has room for one or two more coaching clients and a ton of resources available to anyone who needs them, so please reach out if you need, let us know what you love about this podcast, and have a great Thanksgiving! @acresoftimber Acres of Timber on Facebook