Mitch Resnik: Manor Floors

Today’s guest is Mitch Resnik from Manor Floors. In the business since childhood, flooring is in Mitch’s blood. From carpet to wood, his father, a flooring expert and mason by trade, taught Mitch everything he knows. Originally in Brooklyn, the company has been based in New Jersey for the past 25 years. How They Stay On Top In Their Market: Manor Flooring’s business is 90% referrals. Their high standards and quality of work have gained them a solid reputation with all of their customers. By building this trust and authority in the flooring field, Manor is able to maintain a constant flow of business from these referrals. Mitch’s advice with customers? Be transparent and tell your customers exactly why things need to be done a certain way, what they cost, and why they are priced as such. Manor Flooring stays ahead of the curve by working with designers in the area. Business Wisdom: Mitch prides himself on quality control and using products that are high-quality because they’re a high-quality product, not just because they might be a design style that’s popular. Stay on point with who you buy from, sell to, and hire. This is crucial in any business. How Manor Sources Their Wood Products: Trying to stay within America for his product purchases, Mitch notes how years ago, you knew where your product was coming from, down to the city and state. However, American companies now bring in large amounts of their product from overseas. Staying within the US in regards to his product purchases has been a bit of a challenge for Mitch because of this. To help combat the outsourcing of bigger companies, Mitch tries to purchase mainly from small businesses and local companies. Not only does this help keep business within the US, but he’s also found that when working with smaller mills, the customer service level is exponentially better! Contact Manor Floors Instagram @manorfloors Follow us on Instagram!! @acresoftimber Want more?? Join our private Facebook Group and get access to our FREE marketing hacks course for Woodpreneurs! - CLICK HERE TO JOIN Listen to more episodes at @acresoftimber Read our Free Instagram Report:" Tools for how to turn leads into sales, grow your following, and easily create engaging content." Are you ready to scale your woodworking, flooring, or tree service business? Click HERE to schedule your Free strategy session with Steve, founder of Acres of Timber DID YOU LIKE THE SHOW? iTunes SUBSCRIBE HERE! Join The Wood Entrepreneurs Networking a Mentoring Facebook Group Like us on Instagram: @acresoftimber Website :: Facebook :: Insta SHOW SPONSORS: Granberg International Granberg International is a US-Based, family owned and operated business, with a 60-year commitment to providing its customers worldwide with the highest quality chainsaw mill and accessories in the industry. Granberg’s completely mobile and compact Alaskan Mill makes it possible to mill your logs ANYWHERE. Creators of the alaskan mill. You can learn and read more about what other users are saying about the alaskan mill @   Copyright © 2018 Acres of Timber  

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