Roy Scott: Vintage Axe Works
We’re stoked to have Roy Scott of Vintage Axe Works on the show today! After watching a survivalist show where a fifty year old man built an entire cabin with his bare hands, Roy couldn’t get the idea out of his head. So much so that it inspired him to start learning how to work and create with his hands. This led to him to collecting, restoring, and selling axes... something that came in handy when he was unexpectedly fired from his full-time job. After a suggestion from his wife that he should start making his own axe handles, Roy invested in a band-saw, a buffer, a table saw, and then dove in and learned how to make high-quality axe handles and heads. Now a full-time business, Roy has been at it for the past three years and now has a waiting list for his one-of-a-kind creations. Not only are most of his axes individually unique, but Roy also sets himself apart from the competition by putting together entire axes. This is key since most of the competition only specializes in certain aspects of the axe. From custom work for use in labor to art that hangs over a client’s fireplace, Vintage Axe Works truly makes unique and beautiful axes that you need to check out! Show Highlights: Instagram has been the main source of traffic for Vintage Axe Works. He’s never paid for a follower or created an ad and implores other business owners to do their research on the Instagram algorithm and invest their time into learning how to utilize the Instagram platform. He builds a lifestyle around his brand using the interests of his customers as a way to attract business. Show Highlights: A one-man show, Roy’s challenge is keeping up with all of the different aspects of the business. For the most part, every axe Roy makes is completely custom. Follow Roy on Instagram!! @vintageaxeworks Follow us on Instagram!! @acresoftimber Want more?? Join our private Facebook Group and get access to our FREE marketing hacks course for Woodpreneurs! - CLICK HERE TO JOIN Listen to more episodes at @acresoftimber Read our Free Instagram Report:" Tools for how to turn leads into sales, grow your following, and easily create engaging content." Are you ready to scale your woodworking, flooring, or tree service business? Click HERE to schedule your Free strategy session with Steve, founder of Acres of Timber DID YOU LIKE THE SHOW? iTunes SUBSCRIBE HERE! Join The Wood Entrepreneurs Networking a Mentoring Facebook Group Like us on Instagram: @acresoftimber Website :: Facebook :: Insta SHOW SPONSORS: Granberg International Granberg International is a US-Based, family owned and operated business, with a 60-year commitment to providing its customers worldwide with the highest quality chainsaw mill and accessories in the industry. Granberg’s completely mobile and compact Alaskan Mill makes it possible to mill your logs ANYWHERE. Creators of the alaskan mill. You can learn and read more about what other users are saying about the alaskan mill @ Copyright © 2018 Acres of Timber