Mike Hansen: Hansen Tree Service
Joining us today is Michael Hansen of Hansen Tree Service. Located in Southern Rochester, Minnesota, Hansen Tree Service specializes in the care of those tough and hard to reach trees. When it comes to the business, Michael’s favorite aspect of the job is the thrill of the climb. He stresses how vital it is to not grow complacent or cocky in this line of work. After a brush with what could have been a tragic fall, Michael no longer takes shortcuts when it comes to his rigging. The accident left him with a severed thumb, tendons, and knuckle. There are no grey areas when it comes to safety in the tree business. Aside from safety, Michael knows that the only way to grow as a company is to invest time into marketing. Using several different social media platforms, he posts material specific to what the users of that specific platform prefer. Whether it’s written content on Linkedin, captivating pictures on Instagram, or videos on Facebook, Michael creates content that produces several different streams of revenue and doesn’t cost him more than time. Show Highlights: Michael takes on government contracts help grow the business Connecting with people is the #1 way to grow Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram are the main avenues he takes to find new clients. However, he uses a different approach on each platform. If you want to grow big, make your audience big. Contact Hansen’s Tree Service Facebook - Hansen Tree Service http://hansentreeservicellc.com/ https://www.instagram.com/hansentreeservicellc/ Follow us on Instagram!! @acresoftimber Want more?? Join our private Facebook Group and get access to our FREE marketing hacks course for Woodpreneurs! - CLICK HERE TO JOIN Listen to more episodes at www.acresoftimber.com @acresoftimber Read our Free Instagram Report:" Tools for how to turn leads into sales, grow your following, and easily create engaging content." Are you ready to scale your woodworking, flooring, or tree service business? Click HERE to schedule your Free strategy session with Steve, founder of Acres of Timber DID YOU LIKE THE SHOW? iTunes SUBSCRIBE HERE! Join The Wood Entrepreneurs Networking a Mentoring Facebook Group Like us on Instagram: @acresoftimber Website :: Facebook :: Insta SHOW SPONSORS: Granberg International Granberg International is a US-Based, family owned and operated business, with a 60-year commitment to providing its customers worldwide with the highest quality chainsaw mill and accessories in the industry. Granberg’s completely mobile and compact Alaskan Mill makes it possible to mill your logs ANYWHERE. Creators of the alaskan mill. You can learn and read more about what other users are saying about the alaskan mill @ www.alaskanmill.com Copyright © 2018 Acres of Timber