Patrick George: Heartwood Tree Care
Today, we’re talking to owner and “Benevolent Dictator” of Heartwood Tree Service, Patrick George. With a passion for changing perspectives on the value of trees, their company tagline “helping trees outlive humans” backs up this passion. Based in the urban areas of Charlotte and Asheville, North Carolina, they strive to educate people on the value of trees and their place in this world. With a hope to preserve and not destroy, they focus their efforts on protecting the beauty of the world we all live in. In the business for 40 years and with a revenue of a little over 5 million last year, Patrick loves the opportunities that his success has brought him. In addition, the ability that he has to go out on the daily and provide excellent tree work, something that’s more of a passion than a job to him, is something that keeps him excited and motivated. When it comes to his team, a great example of the company culture comes from the office in Asheville he opened up 4 years ago. Patrick’s key employee at the Asheville location is a person who he not only watched grow up, but whom he has also been able to watch evolve as a leader in the business. It’s relationships like this that lend to the tight-knit culture of the company. Aside from his tree skills and business success, there are, of course, always obstacles to overcome. Patrick’s personal life has been no exception. After 3 marriages, the death of his son nine years ago, and run-ins with the IRS, Patrick has truly had to lift himself up and persevere to see success happen. Now, with these lessons and moments behind him, he’s able to look forward to the future and see his daughter gearing up to take over the business, a current marriage well into its 26th year, and a pride and passion for what he does in the tree industry. Show Highlights: Heartwood Tree Service prides themselves on being able to tell you if the tree in question is preservable or a danger to the surrounding area. Heartwood's part in the process of tree preservation is what motivates them to continue doing the dangerous work that they do. Advice: Put yourself into the perspective of your client and know that you must meet their priorities, whether or not their priority is the same as yours. If you want to succeed and hit 6 figures in your business, you need to stay persistent, live in the moment, and stay aware. It’s a dangerous business, and if you don’t protect yourself, there won’t be a business to grow. Contact Heartwood Tree Care: Website: Facebook: Instagram: @heartwoodclt Follow us on Instagram!! @acresoftimber Want more?? Join our private Facebook Group and get access to our FREE marketing hacks course for Woodpreneurs! - CLICK HERE TO JOIN Listen to more episodes at @acresoftimber Read our Free Instagram Report:" Tools for how to turn leads into sales, grow your following, and easily create engaging content." Are you ready to scale your woodworking, flooring, or tree service business? Click HERE to schedule your Free strategy session with Steve, founder of Acres of Timber DID YOU LIKE THE SHOW? iTunes SUBSCRIBE HERE! Join The Wood Entrepreneurs Networking a Mentoring Facebook Group Like us on Instagram: @acresoftimber Website :: Facebook :: Insta SHOW SPONSORS: Granberg International Granberg International is a US-Based, family owned and operated business, with a 60-year commitment to providing its customers worldwide with the highest quality chainsaw mill and accessories in the industry. Granberg’s completely mobile and compact Alaskan Mill makes it possible to mill your logs ANYWHERE. Creators of the alaskan mill. You can learn and read more about what other users are saying about the alaskan mill @ Copyright © 2018 Acres of Timber