Dustin a Caleb: Iron Timbers
Today we’re talking with Dustin and Caleb from Iron Timbers. In business for a little under two years, the idea came about when Dustin decided to start making furniture for his home. Soon, he noticed that there was a market for such handmade products and that people on Instagram were selling similar items. Approaching Caleb, who was a metal worker by trade, he asked him to start making metal bases for his pieces. Agreeing, they went into business together and things grew from there. Soon, they had 19,000 followers on Instagram, orders coming in, and long nights of work, all while still working full-time jobs. Now, with both guys working Iron Timbers full-time in less than three years, I asked them, “how did they foster this growth??” “Well,” Dustin said, “with all of the time and effort we were putting in, we just decided to go full throttle and full time.” Starting at an art show where they took home best in show, they then took their products on Instagram and Facebook, started taking custom orders, and bought an alaskan mill. With a constant flow of custom orders, they are loving what they do. It’s important to note that their decision to go full-time was not only brought on by the above avenues, but also from hard work, long hours, and the below conversation. Having had an order come in that was on more of a strict timeline, they sat down and decided they were ready to go full time and take the risk. They jumped in, the business continues to grow, and they’re not looking back. Show Highlights: Currently their initial slabs from last year are drying and they hope to offer tree to table service shortly. They post their products to Instagram at least once a day - this brings in custom orders and helped they go full-time At 70 years old and a woodworker, Dustin’s father runs the Alaskan Mill and helps out around the shop. Not letting his age get him down, he’s as much a part of the business as Caleb and Dustin! Contact Info Website: www.irontimbers.com Insta: @irontimbers Read our Free Instagram Report: Tools for how to turn leads into sales, grow your following, and easily create engaging content. Are you ready to scale your woodworking, flooring, or tree service business? Schedule your Free strategy session with Steve, founder of Acres of Timber DID YOU LIKE THE SHOW? iTunes SUBSCRIBE HERE! Join The Wood Entrepreneurs Networking a Mentoring Facebook Group Like us on Instagram: @sawmillbusiness Website :: Facebook :: Insta SHOW SPONSORS: Granberg International Granberg International is a US-Based, family owned and operated business, with a 60-year commitment to providing its customers worldwide with the highest quality chainsaw mill and accessories in the industry. Granberg’s completely mobile and compact Alaskan Mill makes it possible to mill your logs ANYWHERE. Creators of the alaskan mill. You can learn and read more about what other users are saying about the alaskan mill @ www.alaskanmill.com Copyright © 2018 Acres of Timber