Dan Pottage: Pottage Sawmill
HOW THE BUSINESS STARTED. Today, we have Dan Pottage of Pottage Sawmill. Dan started out as a landscaper, but being based in Alberta, Canada the cold wouldn’t allow him to do landscaping as much as he wanted. Instead, he took classes and started working in tree removal. Starting with the Grandberg mill, he began milling and drying the slabs in less than a month’s time. DEVELOPING AND MARKETING THE BUSINESS. Currently, he’s milling, drying, and selling slabs. Still keeping the Grasberg mill, Dan also set up a dehumidification kiln to dry his slabs faster as compared to air drying. Even though the business still young, Dan’s use of Instagram and Facebook has helped to grow his business and connect him with other people in the industry. FUTURE PLANS. Through social media, Dan has found amazing people that he plans to connect and work with. He also will continue doing more slab work as well as making tables. ADVICE. He advises people interested in the business to set up a dehumidification kiln because of its major benefits. LINKS MENTIONED Facebook: Pottage Sawmill Website: Pottagesawmill.com Instagram: @pottagesawmill Email: Pottagesawmill@gmail.com