How can a Couple Transform their Sex Life into Tantra? ~ Ananda Sarita
Ma Ananda Sarita is one of the world's leading authorities on Tantra. She lived for 26 years in the Osho community, and 16 years in Osho's presence, receiving teachings and transmissions on the teachings and meditations of Tantra. We chat together about how sex can become a spiritual experience, and how a couple can transform an ordinary relationship into a tantric relationship. At the end of this podcast, Sarita shares step-by-step guidance for a couple's practice in spiritual sex. In this audio: * Find out what Osho taught to Sarita about Tantra * Hear how to unite our hedonistic nature with our spiritual path. * Learn how a couple can surrender their egos to Love. * Discover how sex can actually accelerate our enlightenment and awakening. * Find out how a couple need to integrate meditation into their relationship. * Hear about "Love Appointments" and how a couple can schedule in their tantric experiences. * Discover how to recognize good chemistry with a partner. * Find out some of Sarita's secrets of Tantra! * Hear a step-by-step practice that you and your partner can try out at home! To see more videos of Sarita, go to NB: The music Sarita referred to is Deuter.