116 Liz Powell Interview
EPISODE 116: Interview with Dr. Liz Powell. Dr. Liz believes that Great Sex Can Change the World™. She’s a speaker, coach, and licensed psychologist specializing in work with sexual and gender minorities, She’s the author of “Building Open Relationships”, a practical how-to guide for non-monogamy. Dr. Liz helps people be authentic in their relationships. Follow her work at the book website buildingopenrelationships.com, her professional website at drlizpowell.com containing free resources, on Twitter @sexpospsych, and on Instagram @drlizpowell. If you get value out of the Loving Without Boundaries podcast, then consider becoming one of our patrons! Not only will you enjoy exclusive content made just for you, your support will also help us continue creating educational content while helping more people have a deeper understanding of consensual non-monogamy and healthy relationships in general. https://www.patreon.com/lovingwithoutboundaries