107 Koe Creation_Interview

EPISODE 107: Interview with Koe Creation. Koe Creation’s award winning sex education, LGBTQ activism, and public health advocacy in polyamorous and kink communities began in 2005. Their first book: “This Heart Holds Many”, is the first book written on multi-generational polyamorous families, from the child’s perspective. Living in San Francisco, Koe is available for speaking and workshops. Follow their adventures and work at their website koecreation.com, @koecreate on social media, or email them at koecreation@gmail.com. If you get value out of the Loving Without Boundaries podcast, then consider becoming one of our patrons! Not only will you enjoy exclusive content made just for you, your support will also help us continue creating educational content while helping more people have a deeper understanding of consensual non-monogamy and healthy relationships in general. https://www.patreon.com/lovingwithoutboundaries

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