100 Franklin Veaux Interview
EPISODE 100: Interview with Franklin Veaux. As a child, Franklin heard a fairy tale about a princess forced to choose between two handsome princes, and thought, “Everyone knows princesses live in castles. And castles are big enough for both princes. So why does she have to choose?” Franklin has been writing about polyamory since 1997. He started his website as a resource for his former self: the Franklin who didn’t know that there were other people like him, had never heard the word polyamory, and who had no idea how to navigate polyamorous relationships. The site has grown over the years, and since 1999 has been one of the Internet’s top destinations for information about polyamory. He speaks and writes about polyamory, BDSM, nontraditional sexuality, and more. In 2011, he moved the site from its old home at xeromag.com to its current home at morethantwo.com. In 2014 he co-authored a book on polyamory by the same name: More Than Two: A practical guide to polyamory. He currently has several long-term partners and lives in Portland, Oregon with one of his partners, while his wife lives in Orlando, Florida. Follow his work and adventures at morethantwo.com, franklinveaux.com and tacit.livejournal.com. If you get value out of the Loving Without Boundaries podcast, then consider becoming one of our patrons! Not only will you enjoy exclusive content made just for you, your support will also help us continue creating educational content while helping more people have a deeper understanding of consensual non-monogamy and healthy relationships in general. https://www.patreon.com/lovingwithoutboundaries