Ep 2: Choosing Your Birth Team
In the first official episode of Birth Kweens, we’re talking about picking your birth team. This episode kicks off our five-part series that’s all about preparing for your birth. In this episode we talked about: Why picking the right birth team is so important. The four main reasons you should NOT just pick any random doctor/midwife to be your care provider. Where to start and exactly what to consider when looking for a care provider who will be a good fit for you and your family. The differences between a hospital birth team and a home birth team How to pick a home birth midwife and why their hospital transfer rate isn’t the most important thing to focus on. Where to go to get reliable reviews on your birth team Special considerations and resources for VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) Who (and who not) to invite to your birth Resources mentioned in this episode: Health Consumer Alliance Hospital Ratings on Consumer Reports - search by zip code and check out each hospital's stats on avoiding c-sections! Cesarean Rates by State Your Biggest C-Section Risk May Be Your Hospital - great article from Consumer Reports! Questions to Ask Potential Care Providers - helpful tool from the authors of the amazing book Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn (buy the book here!) Midwife Interview Questions ICAN - International Cesarean Awareness Network VBAC Facts How to start the process of finding a VBAC-friendly provider 10 Steps to Finding a VBAC-supportive provider Did you like this episode? Please subscribe, rate, review, and share! --- The Birth Kweens get down to the nitty gritty of pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and women’s health. For more from us, visit birthkweens.com. Follow us on Instagram @BirthKweens and email us at birthkweens@gmail.com with your questions, suggestions, and feedback.