Avoid Dangerous Mistakes Divorced Parents Make- Interview with Rosalind Sedecca
Our guest on this podcast is Rosalind Sedacca, who is recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce. Rosalind has written a unique book based on her own experience with divorce. She developed an innovative new approach to breaking the news to her eleven year-old son who today is a grown man who proudly wrote the foreword to her internationally-acclaimed ebook, “How do I Tell The Kids About Divorce? A Create a Storybook Guide to preparing your children with love. Rosalind is a Divorce a Parenting Coach as well as the Founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents. Today she will share her personal insights on avoiding dangerous divorce mistakes parents make. Show hosted by Nicola Beer International Relationship and Divorce Coach. For more free resources visit www.purepeacecoaching.com