107 - You Can't Do it All Yourself with Adam and Jennifer Sewell
It doesn't matter how long you been an entrepreneur, or how long you have a running team, sooner or later you have the thought “wouldn't it easier if I just did all of this myself?” Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs get stuck in the place where they are doing it all themselves. Less than 10% of entrepreneurs ever build a team and any type of foundational stability. Adam and Jennifer Sewell ran a medical practice what they were doing everything themselves. The pressure got so high that it wasn't good for them, their team, or the patients they were helping. Many doctors just stay in this condition, grinding it out every day and having a marginal effect on those around them. That wasn't enough for adamant Jennifer, they decided to radically change the way they run their practice. As you will hear in this interview, they went from being overwhelmed and doing it all themselves did focusing on their health, their business, and creating massive momentum. I know you are going to be as inspired by them as I am.