Because I was a good girl – Terri
In this episode of Good Girls Talk About Sex, we talk with Terri, a 32-year-old, cis-gendered female who describes herself as Pakistani, straight, married and monogamous. Terri was born in Pakistan and for the first ten years of her life, she lived in a culture where physical affection was not seen and it was assumed she would have an arranged marriage. When her family moved to the United States, everything changed. Terri provides us with a fascinating glimpse into what it’s like to live with a foot in two worlds. Here are some of the great moments Terri shared: [3:00] – Why it wasn’t even okay for her to watch a kiss in an animated movie like Aladdin [8:45] – The explicit message she got from a boy, while her parents didn’t even want her to be friends with a boy [14:55] – How she and her Muslim girlfriends covered for each other when they went out on dates [30:25] – The “freaky” things she did with her boyfriends [38:42] – How she is raising her own children to think about religion and sexuality [41:24] – THE QUICK FIVE If you’d like to hear the full, unedited version of this interview, including the story of how a friend helped Terri buy her first sex toy, become a community supporter at Patreon. Host – Leah Carey (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, email) Editor – Gretchen Kilby Music by – Nazar Rybak