Is Our Love Vaginal Pain? (w Emily Sauer, Founder Of OhNut)
This week we're hitting where it hurts… the vagina? Sometimes our love involves vaginas, but what happens when that love is...painful? Whose responsibility is it? Do we push through it? Avoid it at all costs? Denial? This week we talk about the often experienced but lesser validated ambiguity that is vaginal pain. Emily from OhNut joins us to share how she stumbled upon her calling and how a pink frosted donut changed her life. Find out why doctors are saying “Fuck Yes” to a solution created by a patient. For info and to purchase an OhNut: ------~ Follow us on social media ~------- The show: @isourlove_____ Lola Jean: @lolajeandotcom Classes a Instruction: Stephen Penta: @thereluctantsexpert This weeks' end of episode song is Sarah Vaughan "Make Yourself Comfortable" Our official theme songs are composed a recorded by our good friends at