Is Our Love Full Of Shit? (w Mistress Shayla)
If our love is full of shit, how much confidence does it take to throatfuck that shit in someone’s mouth? Wait….what? You never asked… we answered, and the answer is this weeks’ guest: Mistress Shayla. A charismatic Texas sadist with a heart of gold. Shayla is seasoned in many areas of FemDom but where her heart shines brightest is when someone is covered in her sweet, sweet excrement. How does one get into pooping on people and why? What do her submissives get out of it and what does she enjoy most. Shayla answers the timeless question: after you’ve used someone’s mouth as a toilet, is there anything in life you can’t do? PLUS, we answer listener questions about how to find someone who is into the thing that you’re into! Follow Mistress Shayla @YesMissShayla on Twitter a Instagram ------~ Follow us on social media ~------- The show: @isourlove_____ Lola Jean: @lolajeandotcom Classes a Instruction: Stephen Penta: @thereluctantsexpert This weeks' end of episode song is the fucking Carpenters: "Top of The World" ... because it really is the perfect ending to this perfect episode. Our official theme songs are composed a recorded by our good friends at