Is Our Love a One Night Stand?
No conversation about sex is complete without talking about the one night stand. So commonplace its earned its own abbreviation: ONS. One-night standspert MOMO (@momosinmieda) joins Stephen and Lola as we break down what constitutes a one night stand. Are one night stands inherently bad a what can be done to improve them? With vivid stories from one night stands past, present, and maybe even the future, Momo and Lola bond over shared ghosts and Stephen gets to the bottom of why cis-dudes are so susceptible to becoming ghosts. PLUS: We tackle fantasy habits in our listener questions. If you have a sex or relationship question for us or have a topic you want to hear covered on the show, Email us! ------~ Follow us on social media ~------- The show: @isourlove_____ Lola Jean: @lolajeandotcom Classes a Instruction: Stephen Penta: @thereluctantsexpert This weeks' end of episode song is THE DETROIT COBRAS "Bad Girl" Our official theme songs are composed a recorded by our good friends at