Is Our Love Codependent w/ Rachel Khints

If codependency is a spectrum, where is a healthy place to sit? How can you tell if your relationship is in equilibrium or codependent AF? Are you in-love or enmeshed? This week we sit down with Rachel Khints, who specializes in treating codependency with a focus on group therapy. We learn the correlation between codependency treatment and Al-anon as well as where codependent tendencies typically come from. Starting with esteeming ourselves. Rachel walks us through the five compartments of codependency and the process of slowly chipping away in order to move mountains. PLUS opening up relationships in the listener Q's! You can find Rachel's practice at: If you have a sex or relationship question for us or have a topic you want to hear covered on the show? Email us! Esteem Us! : ------~ Follow us on social media ~------- The show: @isourlove_____ Lola Jean: @lolajeandotcom Classes a Instruction: Stephen Penta: @thereluctantsexpert This weeks' end of episode song is SWAIN "But Then What?" Our official theme songs are composed a recorded by our good friends at

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