RYZEN 3000 IS UNBELIEVABLE - The WAN Show Dec 7 2018
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Forum Link: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/1005518-december-7-2018-the-wan-show-document/
Timestamps Courtesy of HentaiGod01192
00:00 - 00:24 - Beginning
00:25 - 00:55 - Intro
01:12 - 02:30 - Announcement: Floatplane
02:31 - 12:21 - YouTube Rewind
12:22 - 12:29 - Talk about something important
12:30 - 22:20 - Big announcement: LTX 2019
22:20 - 24:56 - LTX 2019: Why July + Food in Vancouver
24:57 - 28:15 - LTX 2019: Linus leaves LTX and more
28:16 - 29:35 - Sponsor: ELGATO
29:36 - 30:44 - Sponsor: FRESHBOOKS
30:45 - 31:30 - Sponsor: SAVAGEJERKY
31:31 - 33:50 - Ryzen 3000
33:51 - 43:04 - Technology stocks
43:05 - 48:33 - CS:GO: Free-to-play + Battle Royale
48:34 - 51:21 - OnePlus: 5G phone
51:21 - 52:55 - Walmart: gaming PC
52:56 - 1:06:34 - Super Chat
1:06:35 - 1:06:44 - THE END