81 - Surviving Major Transitions
Entrepreneurial Personality Types and not like the rest of the world. As momentum based beings, we are constantly driving ourselves forward, forging new territory, and creating new outcomes in the world. While the rest of the world gets up every day and prays that everything stays the same, we get up on a daily basis and asked what can we change, what can we make better, and how can we create even more momentum. When these questions are answered and we see a new outcome we want to create in the world, we going to a major transition. This happens when our market finally clarifies, we see the opportunity we want to pursue, and now we just need to get there. Major transitions are as much a part of our lives as anything else. The challenge for many of us is when we enter a major transition we almost immediately get stuck and can't understand why we aren’t making more progress. We know where we want to go, we even know who we want to help, why is it that we aren’t moving forward towards the destination we can now clearly see? There's a clear path for people like us to do more than survive transitions, you should be able to thrive. As evolutionary hunters, getting through transitions and creating momentum is part of what we were hardwired to do.