74 - Making Sure You are Heard
George Bernard Shaw said The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. As a consultant, I saw first hand when he meant. It was shocking how often meetings were held, things were communicated, people thought they had a meeting of the minds, only for everyone to pull in different directions. This was in Fortune 500 companies with established communication Systems and structures. In entrepreneurial companies, it is much worse. Entrepreneurs are notoriously challenged to be good communicators. Our excitement is often taken for aggression, our confusion is often seen as irritation, are need to ask questions can often be seen as insulting. I have watched some of the wealthiest people in the world in each of these situations. If they can happen to them, it can happen to you. Even though I am a speaker and I'm able to record a podcast like this, I am often misunderstood one-on-one and have a difficult time being heard. As a result, I obsessed over the processes and strategies I can use it to improve my communication. This is one of the most important I have.