62 - Why $1,000,000 Businesses Still Feel Broken
Only 3% of businesses ever get to $1 million in annual gross sales. If you have achieved this already you are in the minority, it takes a lot to get a business over a million dollars… You have to understand the value you are creating, understand your clients and the effect you can create with them, and then you can repeat that effect over and over again with a level of consistency. Most entrepreneurs see hitting $1 million dollars in revenue as a number that will change everything for them. In a lot of ways it does, but not exactly how you would think. For most of us, hitting the $1 million mark doesn't mean things have necessarily gotten any easier - in a lot of ways, crossing the $1M barrier can make things harder on an entrepreneur. Here are some tips on how to prepare to cross $1M in revenue and continue beyond 8 figures.