61 - Tactical Meditation for the Evolutionary Hunter
If you asked me just a few years ago if I knew how to meditate, I probably would have said no and changed the subject. My relationship with meditation started when I was in my early teens. It has been a them session of mine for most of my life but I never thought that I was actually meditating. Sure I reached the levels of clarity that lead to massive breakthroughs, through visualization I was able to create the future and make it real, and I was able to easily call myself an increased awareness on demand - but I still didn't think I was meditating. The problem with meditation is the way it is explained makes it so obscure and difficult to understand that many evolutionary hunters turn away out of frustration. Here's my argument for why meditation is like a secret weapon for the evolutionary hunter. And for how you can begin tactical meditation right now did change her perception, increase your awareness, and create momentum like you never thought possible.