E107 | Wanna Be a Roaster?
On today's episode Jesse is joined by Lee Safar of Elixir Coffee and Sumi Ali of YES PLZ Coffee to discuss an exciting upcoming event in California. Listen on to learn about careers in coffee roasting and how you can jump in. (And btw, this episode includes giveaway info!)
Related Links:
Map it Forward-
Event Info: How to Map a Successful Career as a Coffee RoasterDiscount Code: thecoffeepodcast
Insta, Twitter, Facebook: @imapitforward
Email: imapitforward@gmail.com
Yes PLZ Coffee-
Web: http://yesplz.coffeeInsta: Sumi_Ali
Twitter: SumiAli
Insta and Twitter: @YESPLZdotCOFFEE
The Coffee Podcast (W/ Lee Safar) - Episode 80 ft. Elixir
Elixir Coffee - https://www.elixirfy.me