56 - Transactional Management vs Transformational Leadership
Growing a business through transactional management is overwhelming, exhausting, and will rob you of your momentum. Managing transactionally means you do the following: Tell people what to do -g make sure it got done -g tell them what to do again… This won't only wear you out, but you will chase away A players and people who can help grow your company fast. Unfortunately, you will only hold onto the most loyal for those who don't have the talent to go somewhere else. This will cause your company to stagnate and for you as an entrepreneur to feel like you are doing everything. When you transition to transformational leadership, the process is completely different: People clear outcomes -g coach them along the way -g get leveraged results… This will change the dynamic of your entire business because instead of you as the owner and entrepreneur trying to grow everything, each person becomes an owner of the outcomes they are creating.