48 - The Primal Walk, A Simple Habit That Changes Everything
In my research of successful people, it was shocking how often the subject of feet came up. Einstein and Jobs both refused to wear shoes unless absolutely necessary because they both thought it affected to their creativity. Tesla used to curl his toes and do foot exercises each night before he went to bed to unlock problem-solving capabilities. Chinese medicine regards the feet as a pathway to the rest of the body and shows how they can be used to both diagnose and treat just about any health issue. The feet have been seen as a gateway to consciousness, health, and longevity by a variety of cultures around the world. The more feet came up in my research, the more I followed this tangent and the more I was rewarded. My primal foot program is a complete guide to regaining your feet, flexibility, and physiology. The primary activity in this program is the Primal Walk. While this sounds simple, the primal walk may just change your life, and radically increase your level of success. www.primalfoot.com