47 - Fight Or Flight Mode Can Save You Or Destroy Your Momentum
As an evolutionary hunter, your body is preprogrammed and hypersensitive to being in fight or flight mode. This has served our small portion of the human tribe for millennia. Our ability to be on-alert, aware and hyper-vigilant has allowed us to thrive and successfully hunt for the rest of the human tribe. The challenge we face today is that fight or flight is meant to be a temporary state. This evolutionary process boosts our systems into overdrive and after a temporary lift across the board, we begin to crash. When we live in fight or flight, we tax our adrenals and thyroid, we throw our hormone balance off, and we can become exhausted and depleted. The environment we live in today exposes us to levels of stress and complicated toxins never before seen in the history of human beings. There is a near epidemic of entrepreneurs with adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, hormone challenges, and more. We understand how to shift our bodies out of a fight or flight mode, everything in our lives can get easier. The surprise for most is just how easy it is to accomplish this.