How To Defeat Writers' Block - WN 021

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My friends. Episode 021 of the Write Now podcast is about writer's block and how to defeat it. GET READY.
Have you ever struggled with writers' block?
Writers' block can seize any writer at any point during the writing process. But that doesn't mean you can't fight back!

In today's podcast episode, I talk about what to do when:

You can't come up with an idea
You have too many ideas and you can't commit to just one
You don't know what to write next
You've strayed from your outline and you don't know how to get back on track
You're bored with what you've written
You don't feel like writing
You're paralyzed by fear
You're stuck in revision purgatory

The many cures for writers' block.
From writing exercises to the steps to getting unstuck (WN 013), getting yourself in a writing mood (WN 008), or regaining your confidence (WN 005), you'll want to make sure that you choose the cure that fits your situation. I'll help you do that in today's episode.

Going through a period of writers' block does not make you a failure. Even if you miss a day or two of writing (or a month or two, or a year or two), it doesn't mean you're any less a writer.

Writers' block happens to most writers. What really determines if you're successful or not is how you deal with it.
What do you do?
What do you do when writers' block strikes? Let me know or share your thoughts in the comments below!
Question of the week.
Thanks to podcast listener Brian for this week's question! It's about social media.

Brian asks:

Would you recommend having two separate social media accounts? One for your writing, professional self, and another for everything else? I'm especially interested in Twitter, but wonder if this would apply to other services as well.

I have a background in digital marketing, so this was a fun question for me to tackle. It starts at about the 31:11 mark and will hopefully help you sort out what's right for you.

Submit your own thoughts or questions on my contact page, or simply email me at hello [at] sarahwerner [dot] com. I can't wait to hear from you.
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The post How To Defeat Writers’ Block – WN 021 appeared first on The Write Now Podcast with Sarah Werner.

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