Episode 73: Sister Wives & Seeking Sister Wife “Worlds Colliding”

Head on down to Salt Lake City, UT with the Sister Wives! What are they doing there? Oh, they’ll tell you for 120 minutes, so don’t worry. Let me break it down for you so you can use that time for watching paint dry. Also, we check in with the families on Seeking Sister Wife (20:20). The Snowdens continue to fleece viewers with their lies, while the Brineys let April dig her own hole. Make sure you listen for some information on the Aldredges that not many viewers know, but some amazing super slueths have uncovered! Remember to subscribe, rate, and review if you love RealiTV! Official Website www.realitvpodcast.com *New merch available* PATREON BONUS EPISODES www.patreon.com/realitvpodIG & Twitter @RealiTVpodwww.instagram.com/realitvpodwww.twitter.com/r [...]

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