Episode 71: Married at First Sight “In-Laws & Friends”
**Apologies if the audio is as wonky as Corny’s eye or Garrett’s eyebrows…working out some kinks ASAP** Oh, Lifetime…you little prankster. How could you play us like that? Or are you playing us now? Married at First Sight was a whole barrel of confusion and intrigue last night. Jephte turned a new leaf (for now), while Jon continues to stomp his feet around until he gets Molly to sleep with him. Also find out what Cybil Sheppard & Diane Keaton have in common with this show, as well as who Jon’s favorite rapper is! Remember to subscribe, rate, & leave a review if you love RealiTV. Official Website! www.realitvpodcast.comPATREON BONUS EPISODES www.patreon.com/realitvpodIG & Twitter @RealiTVpodwww.instagram.com/realitvpodwww.twitter.com [...]