Episode 56: Sister Wives & Seeking Sister Wife We Survived
We survived! TLC’s Sister Wives baby-stepped us all the way through Mykelti’s bridal shower. The tacos didn’t burn, but the hot chocolate might have. Seeking Sister Wife (30:30sec) was a little bland this week, but I’ve got my eye on April. I suggest you do the same because her stay sweet voice rocks me to my core. Do you love #IMomSoHard? Me too! You can get 20% off your hotel room with purchase of show ticket at: https://www.silverlegacyreno.com/event/shows/imomsohardPromo Code TIX18 PATREON BONUS EPISODES www.patreon.com/realitvpod IG & Twitter @RealiTVpodwww.instagram.com/realitvpodwww.twitter.com/realitvpod RealiTV Podcast FB Snark https://www.facebo [...]