Episode 40: Top Chef, Stripped, & “A Courtship” Preview
In this episode, Jodie tastes what it’s like being Padma’s prey and begins her search for Gail #SearchingforSimmons. Bravo’s Stripped was given one more chance to make it nice, but SPOILER, it’s not going to make the cut. You are going to get a very important homework assignment over the holidays. Required watching of Amazon’s documentary “A Courtship”. This is going to send you into a really good cringe sweat! Patreon Bonus Episodes! www.patreon.com/realitv FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/114353442610036/IG www.instagram.com/realitvpodTwitter www.twitter.com/realitvpodYouTube https://tinyurl.com/y7bybsevHomepage: www.realitvpodcast. [...]