8: American Horror Story Stories
With honoured guest Dave Bunting, we talk about the premiere of the new season of American Horror Story -- how it compares to past seasons, and to other horror series on TV (The Walking Dead, we're rolling our eyes at you). We revisit the standings for our fall cancellation pool, and consider whether the theme song for The Mindy Project is worse than jazz. Dave B. presents his case for "Final Grades," the Season 4 finale of The Wire, to be inducted into The Canon. Then it's on to the week's Winner and Loser, and a very challenging, very musical Game Time.
???? David Bunting
Lead Topic: ????????♀️ American Horror Story: Coven
Around The Dial: ???? Dead Pool Update
Is This Worse Than Jazz?: ???? The Mindy Project theme
The Canon: ???? The Wire S04.E13: Final Grades
Winner & Loser: ???? Remington Steele
Winner & Loser: ???? Damian Lewis
Game Time: ???? Faking The Band
???? Full episode notes can be found on the episode 008 page on ExtraHotGreat.com