The Future of Film S2:EP5 - Roxy Sorkin
Dig deep in the credits of some of our best submissions from the last few years, and you will find the name Roxy Sorkin again and again. A constant collaborator with her peers, Roxy seems poised for anything: fueled by her limitless potential and an insatiable desire to create. As a writer and director, Roxy is equally impressive. Her 2019 submission “We Don’t Talk” won our Best Music Video award recognizing her ability to illuminate patient imagery reflecting glamorous settings somehow full of an unsettling despair, all at once simple and sophisticated. Further revealing her depth of talent and diversity as a storyteller, her drama, “5.2 Miles Between Whittier and Amalfi” was nominated for our Maverick Award. The film oozes with an eerie, stunning visual style, but remains grounded by subtle but deep roots of familial bonds and strength, as if her pen were a compass always finding a path home...
Roxy’s latest film “Breast Milk”, which she wrote and directed, shares a story that is overtly personal and yet full of such grace and tenderness that within minutes the viewer is blanketed in warmth, forgetting all traces of the origin as we are immersed in a marriage of intimacy, lush shot construction and self-aware humor. The bonds between the characters are incredibly tight and her ability to let the big moments breathe provides welcome weight to powerful moments of silence. Roxy crafts fearless female characters - not merely in bravery and ambition, but in their willingness to be open and exposed - a clear indication of her ability to transport her writing to the screen as a director. Add to this, the film’s superb cinematography, which propels app triumphant climax that emerges in a seemingly endless swell of beauty mined from tragedy. Yea, she’s that good!
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