6. Defaulting to Transparency with Joel Gascoigne
In a complex and dynamic world, sharing information on a "need to know" basis is misguided, because it perpetuates ignorance and bias. No one needs to know everything all the time, but we need the right (and the ability) to find what we need when we need it. And while many teams and organizations are coming around to the principle of transparency, when it comes to sharing more sensitive data—like compensation—many people freak out and start to backpedal. In this episode, we talk about why traditional organizations and teams (and even the two of us) covet and hoard information, and what it looks and feels like to let information flow. Later, we’re joined by the cofounder and CEO of Buffer, Joel Gascoigne, who shares how Buffer made "defaulting to transparency" a core value and never looked back. Learn more about Buffer and their commitment to transparency at https://buffer.com/ and https://buffer.com/about#transparency Learn more about Joel at his website or via LinkedIn or Twitter. Resources mentioned: Dave Snowden's Principles for Managing Knowledge ----------------------------- Our book is available now at bravenewwork.com We want to hear from you. Send your feedback to podcast@theready.com Looking for some help with your own transformation? Visit theready.com