Special Edition: Tales by the River with Hosea Long #Storytelling
Hosea Long was born in Cross County, Wynne, Arkansas.
From early life, he’s entertained dreams that were at odds with others. He became a Star Trek fan from the first airing of the TV show in 1966 and has remained a staunch fan.
He attended the AM&N College in 1969 and graduated from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff in 1973, one year after AM&N became a part of the University of Arkansas. He later received a master’s degree in Interpersonal and Organizational Communications from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
He enjoyed a forty-one-year career in Arkansas government, working in several state agencies, including the governor’s office. Human resources management consumed most of his time in public service, 37 years. He enjoyed the last 23 years of his career serving in the human resources department at the university of Arkansas for Medical Science. The last 15 years there were spent as the associate vice chancellor/chief human resources officer. Retirement came-joyfully-in January 2013.
Hosea is married to Christene Long. They have three adult children. God has blessed this family with eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Hosea Long has been a member of Saint John Missionary Baptist Church since 1985, serving on the finance committee, budget committee and in several other volunteer capacities. His true calling is Sunday school teacher. He’s led the mixed class (married and single), “Connecting with Christ” for the last 30-plus years.
He enjoys the company of his wife, studying God’s word, blogging, and is an observer of all things spiritual. He now serves as the group leader for the Saint John Chronic Illness Support Group. He leads this group as a sufferer from a chronic illness himself. He was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a form of blood cancer in 2000. He relapsed in 2018 and is currently living with a low level of cancer cells in his body, enjoying a high quality of life.
Retirement is the best job he’s ever had, and God is truly his BFF.