Geo Chasers Scared out of an Area. And the many NE Bigfoot Reports. Cryptid Creatures

This week I would like to answer one of the regular questions I am always asked, "Are there areas here in the UK that have more than one account"  The simple answer is yes, and there are many, usually I answer by giving the person all of the accounts we have on file from the immediate area, but I also ask them to look at the Rivers systems, Streams and Brooks and gully's which lead from one wooded area of cover to another. Does the area have natural caves or mine shafts? is it known for UFO phenomena or missing people? ghostly screams or running footsteps? Does the area have a special meaning in the old world, like a Standing Stone, Ancient Barrow or Hill Fort, Grass or Stone Henge, Cup and Rings or any megalithic site of special interest? There is a very good map called the Megalithic Portal that contains all of the sites here in the UK and it is updated as new finds come in.  

Also worth looking into are Lay lines, areas of high or low ground energy, old foraging or migration routes that our ancestors took, even to the point of ancient springs and natural wells, all could be an indicator of what kind of areas the accounts are happening in. I have chosen one place at random due to the number of recent reports that have come in over a 9 mnth period from a very small town in the North East of England and the surrounding Fields, Woods and Farmland. But in future uploads I will bring you the other areas where the accounts cluster together. We might as well learn together as we go. I am just as much in need of answers as you are and I think by sharing the information we each have will lead us to an understanding of not only our unanswered questions but will also bring light to a great number of companion subjects. After all this activity could all be entwined like Ivy left to run. By looking at every facet no matter how strange is the only way forward. As understanding is the key I feel. We may find some of the answers work well with your personal theory, or you may pick up on something no one has yet to notice. So lets have a look at the small towns between Consett and Stanley in the North East of England.Hi Debbie, I hope you are well.I've only recently discovered your YouTube channel and it has really caught my attention.I'm from the Consett area so the encounters with the wildman/apeman near Stanley and Consett plus the Bigfoot type creature spotted in Hamsterley forest are of interest to me as they are right on my doorstep. I grew up very close to the Beamish woods and my parents also grew up in that area. There have always been legends and stories about creatures in those woods for as far back as I remember and the woods are also said to be haunted by The ghost of a grey lady. There have been many sightings of black Panthers and even a Werewolf on one occasion to my knowledge. Usually the story is spread  by dog walkers in the early hours of the morning who are reporting these strange creatures. (I would love to chat to some of those witnesses, if you are one of them, or know one of them please get in touch)The church in the second encounter along the Coast to Coast road that you spoke of in your video earlier this years is one I know very well. I used to walk past it every day on the way to work and I've had that feeling of being watched many times, however I have not seen anything.  I did have one experience near Chopwell woods which was very strange. I used to have a hobby called geocaching. It's kind of like a giant treasure trail with secret containers hidden by people where they give you coordinates of the location and you have to find the treasure left there. My friend and I decided to do a very unique one which was designed to be done only at night for reasons that will become clear. The little containers we had to find were hidden off the River Derwent Walk cycle track, which goes between Consett and Newcastle. The containers had a reflective coating on them so we had our torches and you would look for the tins by shining the torch and waiting for the container to reflectAs we were looking for one can in particular which was set about 100/150 yards off the track we both stopped dead in our tracks suddenly. We could both hear footsteps in the brush around us and the footsteps were quite close to  us. The noises stopped slightly after we stopped and stood still so we knew it wasn't us making the noise but we still passed it off as just being a deer or a fox or something like that.   So we continued searching , but then it happened again only about a minute later. So again we stopped and a couple of seconds later it stopped also. We both then got a horrible feeling. I can only describe it as dread. Like something bad was going to happen. 

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