Its a Wild Mans World. Part 2 Bigfoot, Apeman, Hairyman, Bullbeggers and Shugs.
Both Kerry and Brett saw the 'animal' at the same time, but they did have some differing opinions as to what they had seen and experienced. They were taking their 2 yr old Jack Russell dog named Kiwi for a walk in the woodland when they heard what they described as a high pitched screech. Realising it wasn't that far away from whatever made the sound, Brett decided to have a look and investigated further. He was soon surprised to see some kind of dark animal walking through the trees. He quickly called over Kerry, who picked up Kiwi in fear. Kerry describes the animal as follows: “Whatever it was was walking on all fours, like a dog would. But it wasn't a dog. It was walking in an odd way, sort of lumbering along. I know there are reports of big black cats in this area so I was certain I was a large cat, maybe a panther. Brett saw the same thing but he had a different idea. It was about five foot long with a sharp, pointy head, the hair(not fur) was short and we could see patches of bare skin through it, like it was losing some of it in places.
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