Uniquely Wisconsin | Adams County
Campfire Conversation:
Michelle Gormican-Thompson from the Wisconsin Counties Association joins Eric, Susan, and Josh in The
Cabin to share stories about Adams County. After some fast (and, in our opinion, interesting) facts about
Adams County, we dive into a variety of things you can do, see, and experience there. From an Arts
perspective we discuss the Sand County Players, which has provided a tradition of community theater in
the county since 1977. They have produced over 100 shows as they provide financial and resource
support for numerous youth and community arts activities. Under this umbrella, the Home Town Rome
Players also regularly perform for seniors in Rome itself, within the county. The conversation moves to
the natural beauty and landscape of Adams County. A major topic is golf, with the massive Sand Valley
becoming an international destination. Its history only dates back 15-20 years, and we cover how it was
developed and what makes its three main courses – so far – so special. Meanwhile, nearby Northern Bay
is the only replica course in the state, with echoes of Augusta National to beckon golfers. From a food
standpoint, we dive into Heartland Farms, a multi-family business since 1873 that continues to churn
out some of the best chipping and fresh market potatoes in the nation. Their farm sprawls across 27,000
acres, including the original 80 acres from 150 years ago. Their embrace of sustainable practices, solar
technology, and the latest irrigation methods generate 120 semis’ worth of potatoes that can ship out
per day! Adams County embraces its farms and small communities while offering plenty of outdoor
recreation for visitors, a topic discussed with Adams County Clark Liana Glavin. Additional stories
involving sod farms, parks, wineries, and a newly-restored farm designed for visitors will be covered on
the online Uniquely Wisconsin show, which you can enjoy on DiscoverWisconsin.com, YouTube, or
wherever you stream your shows.