Uniquely Wisconsin | Washington County
Michelle Gormican-Thompson from the Wisconsin Counties Association joins Eric, Susan, and Josh in The
Cabin to share stories about Washington County. They discuss the iconic Holy Hill Basilica and the
National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians, which sits atop the highest point in southeastern Wisconsin
and has been an area of religious worship since the mid-1800s. The twin steeples that crown Holy Hill
can be seen for tens of miles and draw people in for Mass and activities weekly. They touch on the
artistic works of Paul Bobrowitz of Colgate; from his Bobrowitz Sculpture studios metal art has emerged
and found its way to private and public collections around the nation, including the popular Three
Stooges sculptures that welcome visitors to Milwaukee’s Lakefront Brewery. They cover the history of
Hartford’s Chandelier Ballroom, which opened in 1928 and features a unique octagonal ballroom
complete with a one-ton Art Deco chandelier flanked by 26 smaller chandeliers – an indication it is
properly named. From its use as a POW camp in 1944 to its continued service as a live music and major
event venue today, it’s worth a visit. Michelle then dives into the history of Held’s, a popular meat
market a staple in Slinger since 1886. A historic farm with a more recent redevelopment, Old
Germantown Farm Kitchen, traces its roots to 1842 but was refurbished in 1989 by Scott & Georgine
Sommer to become a sausage crafter and brewery for people to visit and enjoy. Josh Schoemann,
Washington County Executive, joins Eric for more unique quirks and charms of the county, and Michelle
previews additional stories in the Uniquely Wisconsin video series you can watch. They include the 9/11
Memorial, inspired by Julie Haberman, a local resident who perished on that day; the musical,
mentoring, and conducting skills of Jim Barnes, who grew up in the area, left, and has returned as the
“Music Man”; and Foster Closet, an organization that has fostered over 400 children is just the last six
years and works to bring inspiration and stabilization to kids in need. You can watch the Uniquely
Wisconsin show on DiscoverWisconsin.com, YouTube, or wherever you stream your shows.