J1ST 115: CST Transgenderism

Today we are taking on what is likely the most controversial and emotional topic of our time: Transgenderism. Much has been said about transgenderism and it needs to be noted that they Church has yet to issue an official teaching on this topic. However, using what the Church has already said, let’s explore a Catholic response to this issue, both on the societal level and when it comes up in our personal relationships. 


First, we must remember that our primary vocation is love, and we must lead with love, no matter what the conversation may be. Remember, those suffering from gender confusion are often experiencing real pain and we need to assist them in this pain. 


However, it is not loving to allow someone to believe a lie. Therefore we must help others understand that God does not make mistakes and then sex revealed in their bodies was not a mistake. Those suffering must also understand that there is an important connection between their bodies (the sex inscribed in their very DNA) and their spirits (or their identity and gender). Although the world attempts to transform their bodies, the hurt needs to be addressed on the spiritual level. This healing will be slow and occur in degrees through God’s will, but this is the only way to find true healing and live as God created us to live. 


Our exploration of transgenderism comes directly out of our new book, CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING FOR YOUTH. Catholic Social Teaching for Youth is not on sale yet, but will be soon. Look for the book to be on sale in May!


In the meantime, please use this Catholic Social Teaching Cheat Sheet. It outlines what the Church teaches on each topic and offers you a brief description of the beauty we should reinforce as we teach. 

Get it here: https://omniform1.com/forms/v1/landingPage/61ba0f0cbe1f5d001d03c28e/64110c69b09e89c71966c120

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This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!


Your sister in the small things,


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