J1ST 105: The Five Obstacles to full Devotion to Jesus and His Heart
There is still work to do once we leave the confessional. This is a hard truth that I have been learning as I dig deeper into a devotion to Jesus and His Heart. There are actually a lot of things we need to clear away before we can be open to receiving the love of Jesus Christ.
In this episode we investigate 5 obstacles that will keep us from being fully united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These obstacles include:
Lukewarm Faith
Sinful Desires
A Failure to Surrender All
And I need to work on removing all of them! In our new book, WRITE YOUR NAME ON OUR HEARTS, we look at each of these obstacles, and a saint that overcame that obstacle. In this episode I discuss my own experience with each of these obstacles and how each is still a real struggle.
If you would like to join my family in consecrating yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I invite you to grab a copy of your new book, WRITE YOUR NAME ON OUR HEARTS: Family Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We have limited copies, but you can get one for your family here: https://shop.catholicsprouts.com/products/consecration-to-the-sacred-heart-of-jesus-33-day-preparation-for-families
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This podcast is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we all meet there one day!
Your sister in the small things,